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Founding Principles

Founding Principles

  1. All-Partisan Platform - #AllPartisan
    VoteMatrix is an all-partisan information and analysis platform, distinguishing us from typical non-partisan platforms. Rather than enforcing neutrality upon our staff and supporters or only accepting one viewpoint, we expect our activists and users to have personal beliefs and strong feelings about specific issues, candidates, and political principles.  We accept (in alphabetical order) Democrats, Green Party members, Libertarians, Republicans, Tea Party members, and all other affiliations.  We support principle based activism from both sides of the aisle, the rich and poor, of any race, gender, or nationality.  We support every democratic based government including Representative Republics, Direct Democracies, and Parliamentary Systems.  In order to maintain fairness throughout our site, we implement programmatic checks and balances to ensure that our computer systems as a whole will not lean towards any given viewpoint but will enable supporters of each to utilize the features equally.


  2. Best Information Available - #ReliableInfo
    VoteMatrix is committed to ensuring voters have the best information available to them when voting according to their personal beliefs.  Our goal is to remove the factors of misleading propaganda, campaign funding, and popularity from the equation when our users go to vote.


  3. Saving Time (Why instead of Who) - #WhyCare
    We believe that gathering the information our users need should be easy and not require days of research.  We want our users to spend their time defining and thinking about WHY they support something rather than wasting time on researching WHO they need to support.  If our users have unique access or insight into a candidate or legislation and want to contribute as an analyst, then we absolutely encourage them to research the issue and share with others so they will benefit from that knowledge.


  4. Earning Trust - #TrustMatrix
    Our users are expected not to trust anyone unless they have proven themselves trustworthy.  Our platform provides an open community of analysts to choose from and tracks each analyst's performance through feedback from their supporters and other analysts.  Our users will get only the information provided by the people they trust.


  5. Community of Educated Voters and Activists - #FixDemocracy
    Our users are encouraged to participate in activism and to share their opinions, research, and analysis with their friends, publish them publicly, or keep them private.  The choice is theirs with all information set to private by default.  We are committed to providing the tools our users need to easily research candidates and issues and to share their findings with anyone. Users who share their own research on candidates and issues are known as trusted analysts and those with many supporters or covering local government will be compensated for their work.  In addition, our users will be notified when their representatives' actions are applicable to their principles so they will know when it's time to mobilize support for a cause.

  6. Strength in Numbers - #VoteMatrixAnalysis
    We are designing a platform with real time analytics so our users know which candidates have the support needed to merit a vote and where they can register their support for a candidate which will be included in that support metric.  VoteMatrix also supports election reform initiatives that remove 2 party politics as a factor, such as Ranked Choice Voting systems, but for typical single selection systems we will provide the information our users need so that their vote matters.  We believe that people are the key to political change.


  7. Free Speech - #VoteMatrixFreeSpeech
    VoteMatrix provides a platform to voice your opinions to anyone who will listen as long as those opinions do not support silencing others, violence, criminal acts, or vandalism.  Peaceful non-violent protests are supported, but attacks, looting, and vandalism are unacceptable.  We believe in taking the high road and debating the issues by the facts and merits.


  8. Honesty - #VoteMatrixHonesty 
    Transparent: VoteMatrix technologies will maintain transparent algorithms allowing you to see exactly how your recommendations are calculated.  We will provide configurable parameters to fine-tune your recommendations based on your principles.
    Democratic: Within 2 years of reaching 10 Million registered voters, we will convert to a democratic public-benefit corporate model where each investor will get one vote regardless of shares owned.  Shares will sell for at most 15% of current US median income level. Individuals will be capped at 10 shares and other corporations and organizations may never purchase VoteMatrix shares.
    Open-Source: Within 2 years of reaching 50% of registered voters in the US, we will release our algorithms as an open-source solution.


  9. Privacy - #VoteMatrixPrivacy 
    We will never sell your personal information or provide it to third-parties without your explicit consent.  We will develop a privacy feature that will ensure that all your data is encrypted and exclusively stored on your own device or cloud-based storage platform.  Using this feature will allow you to opt-out of any polling information provided to the public and will ensure that your data is safe even if our network is somehow compromised (we work hard to make sure this will never happen).  The privacy feature will be released within 2 years of reaching 30% of registered voters in the US.

Educated Voters and Activists
All Partisan
Best Information
Save Time
Earning Trust
Strength in Numbers
Free Speech

Timeline - Corporate Info

  • 2010 - 2012

    • The VoteMatrix PVS was invented in 2010 by our President and CEO, Robert Freeman

      • Robert was CTO and Sr. Solutions Architect for Kiefer Consulting in Folsom, CA at this time

        • He left to start this company

    • Read our Startup Story on IVN​​

    • VoteMatrix incorporated in the state of California as "VoteMatrix, Inc."

      • VoteMatrix, Inc. is a small business listed under California Secretary of State entity number: C3359926

      • VoteMatrix is self-funded by our founder who is a middle-class altruistic nerd with a knack for solving problems

    • The VoteMatrix Consulting division was created to fund VoteMatrix development.  It continues to do so.

      • This division Provides solutions architecture, developer training, and technical expertise to CA government agencies and private businesses

  • 2011-2014

    • VoteMatrix developed a MS SQL back end database and a .Net web based PrincipleMatrix prototype​

      • The PrincipleMatrix Prototype was later scrapped due to advances in mobile tech and a new direction in PrincipleMatrix development

      • The back end database continues to be used and developed

    • GovTrack federal level legislative data feeds imported into the database

    • TrustMatrix crowd-sourcing was invented and added to the product plan

  • 2014-2016

    • Hack for Democracy, Hack for Democracy 2, and Hack for Congress (San Francisco / Silicon Valley / Bay Area)

      • We attended each of these events to network with other developers in the E-Democracy space​

      • A sample ballot app was prototyped to demo at this and future hack-a-thons

        • This was scrapped due to time limitations of the volunteer developers involved

      • This is when we realized that self-funding would not get us to an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) in a reasonable time frame​​ 

      • HAVA Amendment envisioned and proposed to Tom McClintock staff in Placer County to provide transparency for election ballots.

        • This effort is on hold until we get more support or a government sponsor.  McClintock ignored the proposal for lack of support.

  • 2016

    • Fix Democracy movement started.  Robert Freeman rallied supporters in front of the CA state capitol for 1 week prior to the Trump election

      • This was our first foray into the public​ support realm

    • Project focus changed to Grass Roots social media engagement, gaining support to build the tech and seeking funding

  • 2017

    • The website was developed to ​help raise funds and document the app, movement, and business plan

    • Co-hosted Unrig the System Summit with RepresentUs (Future of Voting Tech session) in New Orleans

    • Researched funding options, corporate structures, and VCs resulting in the plan to form a Crowd Funded Democratized Corporation

    • Robert began the #UberWithVoteMatrix outreach and market analysis program

  • 2018

    • Founding 1,000 funding program started, kicking off at our New Years eve rally in Sacramento​

    • Partnered with our social media manager (Lee Chazen) and videographer (LT Clayton)

    • Hosted our first exhibit table at PolitiCon 2018 in Los Angeles

  • 2019​

    • Whistle-Stop Tour​ - 28 stops across the U.S. in 39 days from 1/1/2019 to 2/8/2019

      •   Documentary footage and VoteMatrix project outreach

    • PhoneThrone manufacturing first production run completed

      • Investor TV show callback and application video submitted

    • Founding 1,000 conclusion

      • Not enough investors to proceed with equity crowd funding at this time under current SEC restrictions

  • 2020 - Present​​

    • Supporter of the International Voter Tech Coalition

    • Expanding our network to open additional funding and partnering opportunities

    • Sponsor of the International Voter Tech Coalition a Civil Society Organization (CSO) to collaborate on anti-corruption and voter empowerment technologies worldwide

    • Crowd-funding campaign​ preparation

      • PhoneThrone will be offered as a supporter reward​​

The Future (post-funding)

  • 2026​​

    • Launch Crowd-funding campaign

    • Robert Freeman​ founds the International Voter Tech Coalition (

      • This coalition will bring together the top experts​ in the field of voter empowerment technology

  • 2027

    • 1 year development cycle begins as outlined in our business plan

    • Q3: PrincipleMatrix Beta is Released

      • Pre-release viral marketing cycle begins

    • Q4: VoteMatrix Analysts begin processing data on Federal and State candidates

  • 2028​

    • Q1: Sample Ballot app is released.  

      • This is a State / County branded SaaS offering of the VoteMatrix Ballot app.

      • Begin marketing this to state election agencies

    • Q2: VoteMatrix App is released with Federal and State level data​

      • Marketing campaign including viral social media integration begins

      • Gamification components introduced​ to increase user adoption

    • Recruitment/advertising campaign targeting expert analysts

    • State and county client data integration begins

      • Work with states to develop paper mailing opt-out program

    • Continued development including Local District level information

    • API development and integration with potential partner organizations

  • 2029-30

    • Continued growth and development​​​

      • Provide real-time analytics to sitting politicians, news media, and the public to reduce the reliance upon inaccurate polling info

      • Analyze bills as they are authored, providing instant legislative feedback

      • Political event alerts for like-minded individuals

      • VoteMatrix Certified candidate program including integrations with campaign management platforms

    • Begin international franchising plan to bring VoteMatrix to other countries, owned by crowdfunding members of that country.

    • Reach 10 million users and begin implementation of the VoteMatrix Corporate Democratization plan

    • Develop brand based accountability and interpersonal political compatibility features

    • Fund the project to solve problems for the destitute

  • 2030+

    • Continue operating and innovating this institution for future generations​

    • Some day we hope every voter in the world will use our platform to improve democracy

Consulting Division

  • VoteMatrix provides systems architecture, administration, integration, and software development services for public and private agencies to help fund the VoteMatrix PVS.  To see our services, visit our Consulting Page

Manufacturing Division

  • VoteMatrix will manufacture and sell the PhoneThrone mobile device stand to help fund the VoteMatrix PVS.

Future Timeline
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