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VoteMatrix - Principled Voting System - Democracy 2.0 Platform

Democracy 2.0 Plaform

The VoteMatrix project will be built as a Progressive  Web App for all platforms.  Android, iOS, & PC

This Principled Voter Intelligence System is made up of 4 political analysis modules:

Principle Matrix​           Trust Matrix 

  VoteMatrix Ballot       VoteMatrix Gov 


VoteMatrix Infographic 500x1218.png

"progressive" here is a technical term, not a political one.  This project is all partisan.


High Level Features

Key Capabilities

Think of VoteMatrix as a political matchmaking system run by your unbiased and vetted personal crack team of investigators working to make your voice heard by electing the best candidates for the job of representing you.

Vote Smart (#VoteSmart)   -  political matchmaking system
The VoteMatrix Ballot module will provide you with the information you need to vote intelligently every election without tedious research.  This app uses information you provide in your Principle Matrix and Trust Matrix to generate personalized approval ratings for each candidate and measure on your ballot.  

Bias Block unbiased and vetted
Automatic checks and balances will ensure that your Trusted Analysts will not taint ballot recommendations when their principles conflict with yours.  Analysts will not know your principles.  Their job is simply to map measures and candidate actions to universal principles.  Ballot recommendations will therefore not rely upon the analyst's principles.  Analysts' accuracy will also be tracked in the system and their performance rating will be visible in the Trust Matrix app.  Finally, the algorithm used to determine approval ratings will be transparent and configurable per user.

Trusted Analysis  -   crack team of investigators
Analysis will be provided by the people and organizations you choose to trust within your Trust Matrix If you prefer to do your own research, you will have the option to share your work with friends, family, or others by becoming their Trusted Analyst.  Similarly, if you represent a union, public figure, or organization, you can cover topics relevant to your associates.  In either case, only those who trust you will benefit from your analysis.

Constituency Representation​ (#RepresentUs)   -  making your voice heard
Once elected, your representatives' votes and other actions will be monitored and tracked.  The VoteMatrix Gov module will allow you to see how they are performing for you at any time. VoteMatrix will use this data to provide better recommendations in the next election and real-time performance metrics.  Actions against your principles will lower that candidates personalized approval rating on your VoteMatrix Ballot and in the VoteMatrix Gov module.
Your representatives will have access to their own views in the VoteMatrix Gov app providing real-time polling of their constituents.  Unlike typical polls, your principles will always be represented in the totals.  A performance meter will help you determine a candidate's trustworthiness and remind the representative to do right by their constituents.  


Third+ Party Relevancy (#MoreThan2)​   -   hiring the best candidate for the job
Third party candidates will be represented equally with the main party candidates in all of the VoteMatrix apps.  The VoteMatrix Ballot module will take into account the real-time principle analysis provided by the Principle Matrix allowing you to see if a third party candidate stands a chance of winning.  VoteMatrix Gov will include real-time surveys of all candidates based on their principles and experience using your trusted analysts.  The VoteMatrix Ballot will automatically calculate your support for a third party candidate.  Everyone using the app will see the total support for each candidate in the real-time survey.  You will be able to assign votes to your VoteMatrix Ballot before election day to further your support for a measure or candidate and VoteMatrix Gov will use those selections to provide instantaneous predictions to the public. 

Bias Block
Vote Smart
Trusted Analysis
Constituency Representation
Third Party Relevancy

App Modules

App Modules

Principle Matrix

The Principle Matrix module allows you to define what you believe in and allows VoteMatrix to generate personalized approval ratings based on your principles.  This module will include a survey system asking you questions that require enough feedback to ensure that your worldview is accurately represented.  Each question will have a feedback feature so you can flag a question as biased and provide feedback on how better to word the question.  This ensures that the questions on the site will be as equitable as possible. (Bias Block feature)  You will also be notified if your opinions on related issues conflict (Cognitive Dissonance checks).  By simply filling out the Principle Matrix, your principles will be included in anonymous polling data provided to the public, this means that your voice will be heard by the media and by your representatives every election without you having to do anything more.

Principle Matrix
Trust Matrix
VoteMatrix Ballot

Trust Matrix

The Trust Matrix module allows you to define which analysts you trust to do the research in each main Principle area. 
You could trust your friend, a family member, your union rep, your religious leader, a pundit, an organization, a news agency, or any other group to research issues regarding specific areas of concern they are qualified to research.  If you prefer to do your own research, you can access tools to help fully research the issues on your ballot and share the research with your friends.  Any analyst using the Trust Matrix will be able to map candidate actions and legislation to universal principles.  If you share your findings, anyone who trusts you will benefit from your research.  Analysts trusted by many users will qualify for compensation for their work or donations to their parent organization.  Analysts will never directly suggest candidates or bills to individuals, so their research will be just as useful to someone who disagrees with their principles.  To warn against creating an information silo or echo chamber, this module will include an open-mindedness gauge based on your variation in trusted analysts. To combat bad actors and internet trolls, the Trust Matrix feedback system will alert users of analysts who do not accurately report legislative info, making your recommendations
unbiased and vetted.

As an example: If you are catholic, you could trust the Pope to research issues regarding religion and if you are a steel worker, you can trust your union to research issues regarding industry.  This is your crack team of investigators.

VoteMatrix Ballot

Prior to election day the VoteMatrix Ballot module provides you with your sample ballot and includes personalized recommendations and research using your Principle Matrix and Trust Matrix profile.  This module acts as a political matchmaking system, so that you will know exactly what candidates and measures match your principles prior to election day.  You can fill out your ballot ahead of time and this information will be used to populate real-time polling information that the public can see.  This means that you won't need to be chosen in a random poll in order to register your support for the best candidate for the job of representing you.  The VoteMatrix Ballot module will also allow you to procrastinate as long as you want.  As long as your Principle Matrix and Trust Matrix were filled out in a prior election, then you will have all the information you need to vote, even at the last minute.

VoteMatrix Gov

After election day, the VoteMatrix Gov module allows you to keep track of your elected officials.  Every bill authored, supported, or voted on will be tracked in the system and alerts will notify you whenever your representatives do anything that goes against your principles.  Activists and campaigns can use this module to list rallies and events to users who have opted in to alerts that match their top principle areas.  This module will also be used by elected officials to see (anonymously) exactly how you and their other constituents want them to vote on each bill, ensuring your voice is heard

VoteMatrix Gov
Voter Information Available Now

Other Technology Initiatives we Recommend for Use Now

VoteMatrix maintains a large network of experts in the e-democracy and civic technology space.
We collaborate with tech leaders around the world who are willing to work together to improve democracy.

Voter Empowerment Tech Available Now - USA


  • BallotReady
    Sample ballot and candidate information similar to VoteMatrix Ballot.  Additional information on voting registration and voting methods.  Share your sample ballot with friends. 
    Warning: This is a campaign informed site, so all information does need to be fact-checked. Bias via CivicEngine funding.

  • ActiVote
    Principle Survey similar to the Principle Matrix. Plots candidates along a left/right and a vertical dynamic polarization matrix.
    Ranked Choice Voting Simulations.  Upcoming election info similar to VoteMatrix Ballot.

  • VotersEdge (League of Women's Voters and MapLight)
    Provides a sample ballot and voter information guide similar to VoteMatrix Ballot functionality.

  • isidewith
    Provides functionality similar to the Principle Matrix and VoteMatrix Ballot apps.  Analysis is done internally or is provided by the candidates only, so we suggest you verify the recommendations made by researching the candidates' voting history for yourself.  Non-profit group with the potential to be a Trusted Analyst for VoteMatrix.

  • VoteSmart voteeasy
    Similar to ISideWith above.

  • Your Secretary of State's website
    Check your state's website for your voter information guide, to register to vote, and where to go to vote.  Your county may also have more information on their website.

  • Politifact
    Provides candidate statement fact checking performed by internal analysts.  We recommend independently verifying the analysis.

  • Facebook ballot and townhall
    Get a social network integrated sample ballot.  Many features similar to the VoteMatrix Ballot app.  Great way to support a 3rd party candidate.  Options to share with friends, ask friends questions, or keep private.   Townhall identifies your representatives and allows you to follow them or contact them on Facebook.

  • VIP - Get To the Polls
    An alternative to your Secretary of State or County's website for finding your polling location (where to vote).  Also supports DemocracyWorks TurboVote app with similar functionality.

  • Govtrack
    Tracks federal government representative votes and legislation in congress.  VoteMatrix Gov app utilizes these open source data feeds.

  • BallotPedia
    Lots of general election information and a sample ballot.

  • KIAlo
    An open platform for moderated pro/con hierarchical debate platform.  Reddit for debates.

  • Digital Democracy
    A source of state level legislative statements and actions.  We may integrate this site with our VoteMatrix Gov module.

  • Voterfied
    A blockchain based Constituent Engagement platform.  Similar to VoteMatrix Gov real-time polling functionality.  We may collaborate with this technology so you only need to be verified in one platform and your "voice" will sync to both.

  • My Political Solutions
    A political solution crowd sourcing platform.  Possible integration points with VoteMatrix Gov and PrincipleMatrix.

  • Outvote
    Automatically text your friends to support campaigns.

  • Countable
    Tracks federal government representative votes and legislation in congress.  VoteMatrix Gov app utilizes these open source data feeds.

  • WinMyVote
    Public forum and voter engagement platform designed to bring voters, groups, and candidates together to exchange ideas, discuss important issues, and make decisions about how to vote.

Civic Technology Initiatives and Advocacy Groups

  • Liquid.US 
    An implementation of liquid democracy.  Select proxies or voice your own opinions on candidates and legislation. 

  • Proxy.Vote
    An implementation of direct democracy directives.  Candidates pledge to allow their constituents to make decisions for them. Similar to VoteMatrix Gov functionality.

  • Star.Vote
    An example of how a star voting system (rating based) would work.

  • WEvote
    A constituency representation tool to help lawmakers legislate according to your wishes.  In development.

  • Bridge alliancE
    A blog of organizations focused on fixing democracy.

  • Hack for Democracy / Hack for Congress
    Two of many hackathons devoted to solving the problems in government.  VoteMatrix participated in both of these.

  • Google Civic API
    Web services for applications like VoteMatrix that need election and ballot information.  This team works with VIP.

  • DemocracyOS
    Create legislation, share it, and vote on it with your friends.

  • Pulse
    Civic engagement platform that connects citizens to their elected representatives on a per-bill basis.

  • OUTCRy
    Activism coordination portal.  In development.

  • PeopleCount
    A political accountability, voting, and rating platform.  Request reports from your representatives and grade them. In development.

  • Center for Election Science
    Approval Voting and improved voting technology advocacy group. We will provide Approval Voting simulations in our VoteMatrix Ballot app to help with research on voting system reform.

Other Tech and Groups - Primarily Outside USA

  • MiVote Australian based direct democracy and polling technology.  Civic engagement on specific principles (frames) to break down party politics, similar to Principle Matrix functionality.  Initiatives in Australia, India, and Iowa (USA).

  • VoteCompass Australia, Canada, Brazil, and other Specific Initiatives Worldwide
    Issue Survey and Candidate Recommendations. Very limited. PrincipleMatrix and VoteMatrix Ballot features.
    Compare to ISideWith.

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